Kriss Sullivan Fine Art


We are the recorders of history.

We are the recorders of culture.

When we learn about a culture, we learn about it through what is left behind.  We learn through music, through dance, literary word or visual art – be it sketches, paintings, photography, etchings, performances, stories or poetry.

            Writers record history through stories. Musicians sing of it. Dancers translate it. Artists capture it in Images.

Without the arts culture and history would be lost in the sands of time.  We are a necessity to the memory of existence.  To rule out the arts is to doom ourselves to being forgotten.

The arts spawn creativity.  Without creativity we would be stagnant.  There would be no advances, technologically, medically or exploratory.  The arts stimulate creativity in each and every one of us.  Without stimulation we cannot motivate our creative side.  We cannot move forward in any field if something did not spark us to believe that we can do the impossible.  Creativity forces us to look at things differently.  It teaches us to make connections to items and ideas and theories that lead us to solve natures’ puzzles.

Art teaches us to push the limits of our minds to make what was once believed impossible, possible.


Kriss W. Sullivan

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